I go forever without posting anything to this blog, and then, all of a sudden, I can't shut up. But that's okay. I think I'm coming back to being more like my old self. I'm feeling better, I'm doing more, my house is looking a lot better for it, and, in general, I'm in a much better mood.
So I wanted to get some gardening done this weekend, but yesterday there was the matter of a party to attend at the home of my office administrator, and I didn't want to get too dirty or too involved in anything. So, yesterday I got up and cleaned off the patio furniture and the patio. It looks great...the grill, the table, the chairs, the benches, the desk that I put out there last year as a sort of place to store all the grill tools and as a staging area for having BBQ guests...all clean now. The cedar table and chairs is ready for a coat of oil now too. That table and chairs was gifen to us by a dude who used to work at Stoel as a professional "schmoozer" - he was about 5 ft. tall and was a guy who had turned the short man's complex to his financial advantage by being a smarmy used-car salesman. Every time he came in to talk to me at the officde I felt like I was on the front row in a comedy club with all the one liners and long stories he could lay out...but I digress.
So that was yesterday, but today was going to be for mowing the lawn, clearing out the flower beds and planting some new annuals. But when Kristopher and I left the house for Lowe's this morning, it started raining and we came back home because it wasn't any fun to go out and look at flowers with the rain falling on me and the wind blowing...yech. So I came home and finished the Aphrodite I just posted about.
Okay...so I didn't want to give up on my idea of planting some flowers - so I decided to at least plant out the porch. So here are some pictures....after that, I watched the Sopranos.
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