Thursday, March 19, 2009


This is a picture of Darryl Hall. Remember Darryl Hall of Darryl Hall & John Oates? If you're a woman and you're over 40, and you listened to pop radio stations when you were a teenager, chances are you do remember who Hall & Oates are. But what I want to say is that this mother fucker in this picture right here is 62 years old! WTF? Maybe there really are people out there making deals with de great satan hisownself! Who the fuck knows? But I'm really happy to have found Darryl Hall again. Kristopher was just looking around the channels last night and happened onto Palladia - which is the re-branding of MTV's HD channel. Man, it is COOL. Our 50" plasma tv with HD concerts and surround sound - sheeeeet. Last night I watched lots of videos - the Kings of Leon were on, it was FRIGGIN great. Watched some of Robert Plant's new shit - that was good. Then there was a tribute to The Who - with Pearl Jam and This morning, I got up and watched an Elvis Costello concert (well, parts of it....Elvis has far too many contry singer guests). Then I was in the kitchen making coffee and I heard this voice that I wasn't at first quite sure about, then I looked around the corner and saw Darryl Hall standing there. So I came in and watched and listened and it was great. John Oates was with him and he's looking pretty good too. Unbelievable these guys are still going this strong. And check it's Daryl as Jesus!

At the very least, I feel like he's definitely worth my fanship.

So what else is going on? Well, I've taken a couple of days off work. I definitely needed it. I didn't leave the house all day today until after Kristopher got home from work. I made dinner for him, then took off for errands. Went to Lowe's to exchange a toilet seat for the main bathroom. And while I was there bought some new tile for the same bathroom. Then went and bought some new protein powder at Super Supplements, went and bought kitty-kat food at the pet store, then came home.

Now we're watching an episode of The Twilight Zone. I believe it's called One More Pallbearer. We bought the entire set with our tax money. One of the best entertainment purchases we've ever made. We both love the show so much.

Well, I just thought I'd throw upb another non sequitur post. Yay!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Hello from Hell

Well, the hits just keep on comin'. I'm sitting in a hospital room at Harrison Medical Cetner in Bremerton wtching Andrea, that's my daughter for anyone who might be picking up this unfortunate cancor of a blog to read for the first time, struggle to breathe. And THIS is an improvement over when she was unconscious for 4 days in ICU in this same hospital. It's strange. I am so exhausted I don't even know my name, but I don't really have much to say on this subject other than I would not wish this kind of pain and worry on my worst enemy.

Her lungs have some serious gunk in them and her blood oxygen saturation levels just won't stabilize. I have been here at the hospital for what feels like most of my adult life. I came her on Friday at noon, and left Saturday at midnight (or, if you want to be technical, Sunday at 12:00 a.m.) and then returned on Sunday at 8:30 (left the house at 6:00 because Bremerton is 1.5 hours from where we live), and have stayed through now, let's seeeeeeee it's 5:25 a.m. on Tuesday. Needless to say, I am quite tired. And I have no idea when I will be able to get some actual sleep. The original plan was to go over to some friends of ours here in Bremerton and get some sleep on their couch while the very capable nurses in ICU took care of Andra. After all, I stayed through the night on Sunday - there should be no need to do it both Sunday and Monday. Wrong. They decided that Andrea had improved enough to put her into progressive care. Well, let me just say THAT may have been a bit premature. I left here at 9:00 p.m. when they moved her to this new room. The ex-husband and his girlfriend were here visiting her, so I stalled a bit at Lories, and then we went to pick up my car which had a flashing warning light come on when I was driving out of here on Saturday, and again when I was driving in here on Sunday. Since it was flashing, and nto a stable light, I took it to the Hyanduai dealership here in Bremerton. Those dudes were pretty good. They had it fixed and ready to go in two hours. The problem was that Andrea had begun the long and arduous process of waking up out of a 4-day drug-induced coma, and I barely was able to scrape out enough time to go and drop the friggin' thing off, much less go and pick it up when it was ready, so I didn't. I talked to one of the service technicians and he said that he would leave the key in the wheel well, and I could just pick it up at my first convenience. Well, due to Andrea's being moved out of the ICU, my "convenience" didn't arrive until 9:00 p.m. At 9:00, Lori picked me up from the hospital and we went back to her house so I could inject my Enbrel, and she coul think of something to fix me for dinner. I got the all-important and extremely good, chicken salad sammich. Anyway, I dinked around between chatting with Lori and picking up my car for 90 minutes. By the time I got back to the hospital, Andrea has gone downhill. She had a fever of 100.7, and she was talking like someone who had experienced brain damage. It was a very, very scary night. Thankfully, the RN who is looking after her here, is quite good. She listened to all my concerns and bascially we worked out a strategy to get Andrea better. This strategy included her reviewing the chart, ordering new bloodwork and having a conversation with Dr. Eagan - the dude who is on call for this sort of thing.

At any rate, I find myself dozing off in the middle of this post. I don't want to be a dumbass and lose my lappy over falling asleep at the wheel. So I'll just go ahead and post.