Sunday, September 12, 2010

Game On!

Well, we've been doing a little D&D play since PAX, and having a pretty good time. Last week on Tuesday went went over to check out our friend's game store, Wandering Havoc Games. It's in Marysville and I guess has been open for just over a year. I'm really getting into learning about D&D and playing some of the games. So far, I've been involved in three, and they've all been good. I didn't play any video games this weekend, but I didn't really miss it. I woke up really early on Saturday and did a tarot reading for a client downtown. It was a good reading but took quite a bit of time. All good though. the workmen were here at the house laying tile and working on the outside of the house as well. So I wasn't really missing anything. Kristopher got all nerved-out and had to take off for a while. After I got home from the reading, I just took a nap for a while because I knew we were going to have a late night of it.
And right now we just finished watching the season finale of TrueBlood and I must say that I was hella disappointed. It wasn't a very good season and it wasn't a very good finale. Maybe I'm just done with it for a while.

Well, I'm finishing off the weekend working on a webpage for a client. I can't get things to show up correctly in Mozilla Firefox. I guess that one is a little too big to not be concerned about, so I'm back at it.

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